Sonic Blooms

Sonic Blooms

Sonic Blooms

Soundscapes Shaped by Harmonic Tides

A digital exploration of sound and color, crafting reactive waves to bring music and nature into harmony.



n. a line about which a body rotates,
the body of work’s conceptual anchor

This work bridges the auditory and the visual, revealing the connection between natural phenomena and human creation, echoing the cycles of nature in its harmonic flow. The project reimagines music as a living landscape, inviting viewers to experience sound as an ever-shifting ocean of color, rhythm, and motion.

In the resonance of harmonics and light, particles bloom into vibrant tides—waves of light tracing the oceanic rhythm of creation, a fleeting harmony where music finds color, and motion mirrors nature’s rhythms.


n. a expression
the shaping of form

This project uses audio-reactive particle simulations choreographed to the ethereal track Monique by Machinedrum. The visuals respond dynamically to the music’s frequency and rhythm, with a vibrant color palette inspired by oceans and blooming poppies. Combining generative coding techniques and a painterly approach, the work translates sound into a visual dance.